Thursday, 17 November 2011

Magazine draft using a downloaded image.

This is the draft for my music magazine that I will try to recreate using an original image.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Generic conventions of a music magazine.

<--- I will use the cover of Disorder to show the generic        conventions of a music magazine

This magazine has a very basic structure & a clear house style of blue and white. The simplicity of this structure makes the image the main focus, because there is not much else on the magazine. The heavy use of bright colours would also attract the potential readers. Lack of cover lines may make potential readers want to see what is actually inside.

This magazine cover will provide inspiration for my magazine and I will include the following things on my cover:
*Logo(shortened down version of magazine name, Crazy Beautiful Music, or as it will be shown on my magazine CBM)
*Main Image
*Price, date & barcode
*Main cover line
*Extra cover lines

Monday, 7 November 2011

reflection on preliminary task

for my media preliminary task i created a school magazine front cover & a contents page, for this i had to use Photoshop. 
i think that i did a good layout for my front cover by keeping it simple & clear. I used a simple house style consisting of purple & gold, which i thought would be two good contrasting colours for my school magazine as they are often considered quite regal and elegant. 
i think that i could have improved on my organisation and planning, as prior to creating my cover & contents page i didn't do very much planning, i just came up with my ideas as i went along. Also, my contents page was not finished in time, so my time management was not very good either.
Before starting this project, i had very little, basic skills on photoshop. during the making of my magazine though, i learned a lot about how to manipulate an image e.g. how to crop the image, how to remove the background.
   I think that my shot composition was very basic, and not very well thought through, so when it comes to my main task, I should make better use of mis en scene & what i have available.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Prelim magazine front cover pictures

These are the pictures I took for my magazine front cover image as part of my preliminary task, to make a school magazine front cover.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Photo Permissions

Session on getting permission to use student's photos for coursework .
Mr Liddell provided the Pro forma used for all students at Oldershaw Academy